Ministry of Finance: Supporting the strengthening of ecological civilization construction, arranging 34 +26.7 +4.4 +4 +12 billion

Column:Media news Time:2024-03-12
Introduction: On March 5th, commissioned by the State Council, the Ministry of Finance submitted a report to the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress for review

On March 5th, entrusted by the State Council, the Ministry of Finance submitted a report to the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress for review on the implementation of the central and local budgets for 2023 and the draft central and local budgets for 2024.

During the implementation of the 2023 budget, after being reviewed and approved at the sixth meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, an additional 1 trillion yuan of treasury bond will be issued in the fourth quarter to support local post disaster recovery and reconstruction and improve disaster prevention, mitigation and relief capacity. The 2023 budget will be 500 billion yuan, and the remaining 500 billion yuan will be carried forward to 2024. The budget arrangement at the beginning of the year will be adjusted accordingly.

Among them, the national general public budget revenue was 21678.437 billion yuan, accounting for 99.8% of the budget and an increase of 6.4% compared to 2022. The national general public budget expenditure was 27457381 million yuan, accounting for 98% of the budget and an increase of 5.4%. The central general public budget revenue was 9956.582 billion yuan, accounting for 99.4% of the budget, an increase of 4.9%. The central general public budget expenditure reached 14116458 million yuan, accounting for 98% of the budget and an increase of 6.5%.

The local general public budget revenue was 22016.374 billion yuan, and the local general public budget expenditure was 23635.442 billion yuan, an increase of 5.1%.

Implementation of major fiscal and tax policies and key fiscal work in 2023: Strengthening efficiency and implementing proactive fiscal policies to promote economic recovery and improvement. Strengthen innovation leadership and promote the optimization and upgrading of economic structure. Strengthen the guarantee of people's livelihoods and effectively carry out practical tasks related to people's livelihoods. Support the work of agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, and promote coordinated development between urban and rural areas. Promote the construction of ecological civilization and accelerate the green transformation of development mode. Deepen management reform and enhance the efficiency of fiscal governance. Strengthen financial and accounting supervision, and further enforce financial and economic discipline.

The proactive fiscal policy in 2024 should be moderately strengthened and improved in quality and efficiency. The central general public budget revenue was 10242.5 billion yuan, an increase of 2.9% compared to the execution in 2023. Adding in 248.2 billion yuan transferred from the Central Budget Stability Adjustment Fund, 75 billion yuan transferred from the Central State owned Capital Operating Budget, and 500 billion yuan transferred from the previous year, the total revenue was 11065.7 billion yuan. The central general public budget expenditure was 14405.7 billion yuan, an increase of 2%. The total revenue and expenditure balance, and the central budget deficit is 3340 billion yuan, which is made up by issuing treasury bond, 180 billion yuan more than the budget at the beginning of 2023.

Among them, the central government allocated 10.4 billion yuan in special funds for industrial infrastructure reconstruction and high-quality development of the manufacturing industry. Strengthen financial support for technological transformation of manufacturing enterprises and implement tax incentives for investment in technological transformation. Deeply implement insurance compensation policies for the first major technical equipment and the first batch of key new material applications. Implement a special guarantee plan for scientific and technological innovation, and increase the national financing guarantee fund's risk sharing and compensation efforts for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises. Continue to implement financial support policies for specialized, refined, and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, and carry out pilot projects for the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in cities.

Support the promotion of comprehensive rural revitalization.

Enhance the ability to ensure food security. Stable implementation of farmland fertility protection subsidy policies, appropriate increase in the minimum purchase price of wheat, reasonable determination of the minimum purchase price of rice, continued implementation of corn and soybean producer subsidies and rice subsidies policies, and increased support for grain producing counties. Expand the implementation scope of full cost insurance and planting income insurance policies, achieve national coverage of the three major staple foods, and arrange agricultural insurance premium subsidies of 54.5 billion yuan, an increase of 18.7%. Appropriately increase the level of central and provincial investment subsidies for the construction of high standard farmland, and steadily expand the pilot scope of comprehensive utilization of saline alkali land.

Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation. The scale of central government subsidies for promoting rural revitalization has increased to 177 billion yuan, and the proportion of funds used for industrial development remains generally stable. Focus on key groups such as poverty-stricken and unstable households, marginalized households that are prone to poverty, as well as key areas such as key assistance counties for the revitalization of national villages and centralized resettlement points for relocation, and support the bottom line of preventing large-scale poverty return. Optimize and adjust the pilot policy for the overall integration of agricultural funds in poverty-stricken counties to be implemented in 160 key national rural revitalization assistance counties. Research post transition assistance policies.

Promote rural development and construction. Support local governments to build modern agricultural industrial parks and other platform carriers, accelerate the cultivation of new agricultural business entities, and vigorously develop local characteristic industries. Continue to implement the financial incentive and subsidy policy for rural public welfare construction. Support the demonstration of centralized and contiguous protection and utilization of traditional villages. Deepen the pilot experiment of comprehensive rural reform.

Support urban-rural integration and regional coordinated development.

Promote the construction of new urbanization. The central government has allocated a reward fund of 40 billion yuan for the urbanization of agricultural transfer population. Promote the improvement of the system for providing basic public services in permanent residences. Support the implementation of urban renewal actions, strengthen the renovation of old urban communities, promote the construction of affordable housing, the construction of public infrastructure for both emergency and basic needs, and the renovation of urban villages. Supporting provinces with net population inflows to establish and improve a mechanism for incentivizing the urbanization of agricultural transfer population under the provincial government based on actual conditions.

Promote coordinated regional development. Further improve financial and tax support policies, promote the coordinated development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, the construction of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, and other major regional strategies. The central government will continue to arrange relevant transfer payment funds to support the accelerated development of revolutionary old areas, ethnic areas, and border areas.

Support the strengthening of ecological civilization construction.

Continuously deepen the fight against pollution prevention and control. Support the defense of blue skies, clear waters, and clean land around key areas, areas, and links for pollution prevention and control. The central government allocated 34 billion yuan in funds for air pollution prevention and control. The allocation of funds for water pollution prevention and control is 26.7 billion yuan. The special fund for soil pollution prevention and control is allocated 4.4 billion yuan. The allocation of funds for rural environmental improvement is 4 billion yuan.

Intensify efforts to protect the ecological environment. Opinions on financial support for the construction of the "Three North" project have been issued, and the central government has set up special subsidy funds and arranged 12 billion yuan. Deeply implement the integrated protection and restoration project of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands. Support the scientific implementation of large-scale national greening actions, strengthen the protection and restoration of ecosystems such as forests, grasslands, and wetlands, and promote the construction of a nature reserve system with national parks as the main body.

Actively and prudently promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. Research and establish a sound financial and tax policy system that is compatible with the "dual carbon" goals. Support the research and development promotion of green and low-carbon technologies, promote industrial restructuring, and focus on energy conservation and emission reduction in key industries. Support a new round of strategic breakthroughs in mineral exploration, promote the development of renewable and clean energy, and accelerate the construction of a new energy system. Closely monitor global carbon pricing trends and actively participate in the governance and cooperation of global environmental and climate funding mechanisms.

Establish sound institutional mechanisms for the construction of ecological civilization. Improve the ecological protection compensation system and the mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products. Strictly implement the environmental protection tax law and study the inclusion of volatile organic compounds in the scope of environmental protection tax collection. Establish a sound government procurement demand standard system for green and low-carbon products, and increase efforts to enforce and prioritize the procurement of green and low-carbon products.

Article link: Environmental Protection Online