69.1 billion yuan! Focusing on the atmosphere, water, soil, and rural environment, the central government's pollution prevention and control funds will be arranged in 2024

Column:Industry trends Time:2024-03-11
In 2024, the central government allocated 34 billion yuan in funds for air pollution prevention and control. The allocation of funds for water pollution prevention and control is 26.7 billion yuan.

Recently, entrusted by the State Council, the Ministry of Finance submitted the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress to review the Report on the Implementation of the Central and Local Budgets for 2023 and the Draft Central and Local Budgets for 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "Report").

The report shows that in 2023, the national general public budget revenue was 21678.437 billion yuan, which is 99.8% of the budget and an increase of 6.4% compared to 2022. With the addition of funds transferred from the budget stability adjustment fund, government fund budget, and state-owned capital operation budget, as well as a balance of 1684.068 billion yuan, the total revenue is 23362.505 billion yuan. The national general public budget expenditure was 27457381 million yuan, accounting for 98% of the budget and an increase of 5.4%. With the addition of a supplementary central budget stability adjustment fund of 2851.24 billion yuan and a carryover of 500 billion yuan from next year's funds, the total expenditure is 28242.505 billion yuan. The total revenue and expenditure are balanced, with a deficit of 4880 billion yuan, which is in line with the budget.

In 2024, the central government will continue to support the strengthening of ecological civilization construction:

Support the defense of blue skies, clear waters, and clean land around key areas, areas, and links for pollution prevention and control. The central government allocated 34 billion yuan in funds for air pollution prevention and control. The allocation of funds for water pollution prevention and control is 26.7 billion yuan. The special fund for soil pollution prevention and control is allocated 4.4 billion yuan. The allocation of funds for rural environmental improvement is 4 billion yuan.

At the same time, opinions on financial support for the construction of the "Three North" project were issued, and the central government established special subsidy funds and arranged 12 billion yuan. Deeply implement the integrated protection and restoration project of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands.